Alarm Clock Again

Right, I've been told by the wife - no more alarm clocks.

Did another 4 hours on the floor today. Still love vinyl plank. So fast. Tomorrow just needs finishing off so I'll do a couple more hours and get that sorted. Might even run up the saw and get the bathroom trim done, and vanity reinstalled. Which just leaves the basin and bog to put back in and the bathroom is done!

But - it's a bank holiday tomorrow and it'd be nice to do other things - like put the stereo in the 'new' truck for instance.

Been looking at camera gear again.....sigh.....I really would like to move to Full Frame at some point....really would like to. But it's expensive. Canon 5d is around $500-600, and even seen the Canon 35-350L at under a grand.....

So, what with wanting a full frame camera ($1500), more guns ($$$), one car to be exported ($1500), go on a qualification course ($1800), finish 2 more rental houses, start our own house ($$$$$), and buy a canoe ($have you seen how expensive a canoe is???) one day I might be able to do all this stuff!

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