Well today was one of those days but saved in the end by Oswald's Church in Warton!!!

Despite it being grey I decided I would go to Scorton in Nether Wyresdale, Lancashire today.  I haven't been for a few years but it's a tiny pretty little village, with 3 active churches,, various walks, 2 cafes, a hairdressers, Spar shop cum Post Office and The Barn.

The Barn at Scorton is well known locally and is now a large cafe  with large (but bumpy) cafe with a large gift shop and a small plants centre.

I did get there.- now the tale of getting there!

It started off when leaving Grange in getting behind a Highway Maintenance truck that could't go about 29 miles per hour, now mater that we were in a 50 mile zone.  Ahh well never mind it won't be long.  I managed to overtake it on the A590.  The second stretch of the A590 is now down to one lane due to grass cutting - usually does this time of the year.

I then went onto A591 and then joined the M6 at Junction 36, as usual.  No problems until I was just about to pass Junction 35 when all of a sudden a 50 mile signal popped up - hmmm wonder what that is I thought, but had no choice but to carry on.  Well not too long after we came to a stand still and I saw an ambulance whizz down the hard shoulder!! Oh no this is going to take a while I thought.  I switched off the engine (hardly anyone else did) and settled down to wait.  To be fair it was only about 10 to 15 minutes before we were on the move again.

I  then carried on, came off the M6 at Junction 33 to join the A6 heading for Garstang, I knew you had to come off for Scorton before Garstang - however I missed the turn off because going that way there is only ony tiny  sign for "scorton" and I was behind a high sided vehicle so missed it!1!

I got to the traffic lights at Garstang turned  right so I could turn round but had to go further than intended because a car and tractor were blocking the road.  I eventually turned round and went back.  Now coming from the other direction there were 2 very clear brown signs to tell you where to turn off.

So I got there, managed to park OK, had my coffee and a small snack then headed out to  find  St Peter's Church.   .Well a I left it was persisting down so  I dashed back to the car to exchange the cardi for a coat whilst protecting the camera with the cardi.

I got up to St Peters, took was looking at the spire and tried to take a photo of it, afterwards I noticed someone in black stood outside.  Oh dear, there's a funeral just about to happen.  So I humbly beat a retreat.  Went for a walk around the village to take more photos.  That's when I discovered there 3 active churches.  So I tried to visit the Methodist one, today they have a tea and coffee morning, as I'd just had coffee I didn't want to intrude on their day, so discovered where the other church was and went up there as it says it's an open church.  Not today - it's closed - aarrrgghh.  

Anyway I took photos of the three churches (see extras, left to right they are - The Methodist Church, St Mary's & St James Catholic Church and then St Peter's Anglican church).

I then decided to move on and go to Glasson Dock.  Guess what I was behind a high sided  vehicle again and missed the turning.

So decided to head for home.  Then I remembered the church at Warton near Carnforth.  So I went there.

The day was saved. It is  St Oswalds Church. in Warton and I've passed it loads of times but never stopped before.  

I met a very lovely lady with whom I had a wee chat and she advised going over the road to The Old Rectory ruins afterwards, which is now an English Heritage Site.

St Oswald was apparently a warrior king and on England's favouriite saints before the Norman conquest.  Then she said to be sure to visit the ruins of the Old Rectory just across the road, which is now an English Heritage site.

So I did that.   Had a lovely time looking round the church.  A bit plain but a nice atmosphere, some lovely stained glass windows, rather wide and IT HAD A TOILET - WAHEY!!!

I did then visit the Old Rectory.  It's just an old ruin but it does have a nice feel to it despite the noise the from school over the wall.

So St Oswald saved the day.

Sorry for the long email.  I'm sure most of you will have skipped it, which I don't blame but if you've read it all - WELL DONE AND THANK YOU.

That's it - I've stopped rambling and am now home with a lovely cup of freshly brewed coffee.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

Oh the above picture is the little primary school if Scorton - isn't it gorgeous.

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