Nathaniel - new glasses and muddy knees

This morning was book group - Still Life by Sarah Winman. I read it a couple of years ago and enjoyed it more with a second reading. However we all agreed it was too long, too whimsical and we didn’t see the point of the Evelyn story tacked on at the end.

We went to town in the afternoon as Mr C needed stuff from Rohan and I was getting my toenails gelled. I also took back my too big sandals and got the size down. Not that there’s going to be much chance to wear them - or show off my toes - the forecast for Mallorca is now cloud and rain for the whole week. Hopefully we’ll still get out and about but mountain walking in lightning isn’t a good idea. Or swimming. I’m frantically trying to find a better forecast!!

We called on Luke to leave the strimmer for #3 daughter for her to do her allotment paths. While he and Mr C had a chat Nathaniel told me his football facts. Sheffield is the oldest team in the world, established in 1857. We left just as Ella got in. She has choir after school. She’s quite happy about the English SATs and excited as the ice cream van is coming to school on Friday and they are all getting a free ice cream.

We are going to pack when we get home for our flight tomorrow. We don’t usually need much apart from walking gear but I suspect we’ll be indoor sight-seeing this time. I also read a Blipper had been to some interesting caves but they are on the other side of Mallorca so might be a bit far.

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