Inside looking out.

We were lucky not to miss this lovely montana clematis - I thought it might be over by the time we got home. I love the light vanilla scent it has.

We went off to town where I had my nails done a slightly lighter shocking pink. I should be more adventurous with colour but this is quite springlike and goes with a lot of my clothes.

Mr C did the Lidl food shop but shelves were so sparse he had to go on to Sainsbury for the rest.

On our way home we took a detour to Stanton Hall gardens to pick up a few plants. The only courgette seeds which germinated were the ball ones, so he bought a couple of green and one yellow plant and some strawberry plants. Mr C had not been to this place before and was very impressed with how well-cared for the plants were, compared with Dobbies, and a lot cheaper too.

When we got back my Bundt pan had arrived. It’s shocking pink which I did not expect but no doubt it’ll do the same job. Maybe I’ll blip it some day.

Thank you all for your kind remarks about our holiday photos. Blip is so supportive and encouraging.

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