
I decided to sleep in. Millie got sick (looked like she drank too much water too fast) before 5:00 am and then again as I fell back asleep. I needed an extra hour. Hubby trimmed around all the gardens, trees and shrubs. I planted my carrots, mammoth sunflowers and spent the rest of the day weeding my front flower garden. I have a terrible broad leaf weed whose roots spread all across the garden shooting up more weeds. It drives me nuts. It has gotten in my azaleas, around my bulbs, just everywhere. Today, I worked very long and hard trying to get out as many roots as possible. If it comes back, I will use Round Up as a last resort and hope everything else is protected. I pruned any dead wood out of the azaleas. I needed something to take my mind off of tomorrow; gardening always helps. It sure looks so much better and hopefully hubby can mulch it on Friday. He ran to get meds and a few bottles of wine. We’ll have an easy dinner and rest this evening. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “I always see gardening as escape, as peace really. If you are angry or troubled, nothing provides the same solace as nurturing the soil.” – Monty Don

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