Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Todays chore, or the first one, was to select more cucumber plants and plant them in Greenhouse 1 with the others. When I was there to count how many plants I needed to collect, I noticed that the tomato plants we didn't give support too (in the form of string) had grown, so I asked my boss if I should continue with those after I'd replanted the cucumbers. She thought it a great idea. 

But, the first thing that happened was a bit strange... As I came in to the 'store area' at work I noticed a women standing there talking in her phone (not the strange thing... :D ). She wanted help and explained that her rose plants had wrongly been transported to the park area plants (there're three groups working in and around the Greenhouse... we in the greenhouses, the 'park group' making Uppsala look nice with large planters and flower beds, and those who work in the forest area - 'the outdoor group'. The 'park group' has a large area of plants in the large park/garden outside the greenhouses...) and she wanted help to find them. I guided her to the right path and told her to follow that road and the area you're looking for is at the end of the road (kind of, but hard to miss...), she asked me 
'what if it's locked? 
Well, you did speak to someone in the park group, didn't you? Yes, but she's not here.
But, what did she say?
She didn't know, but thought it would be open.
(There you go, I thought...) Well, I don't have keys, so I can't help you with that.
She got a bit grumpy, but I couldn't care less (sorry, but no...). So, off she went and I went inside again. I spoke to my boss when she got out from a meeting, and she'd already talked to this woman and given her the phon number to a person working in the park group so that was what we could do. I got the feeling the woman wanted me to go with her all the way and bring back the roses myself, but that wasn't my chore.  I later ran in to her again when she came back with her roses in a week barrow and she then told me that it wasn't easy. I thought that that wasn't my problem at all, so I just said something and returned to my chore. Some people want you to do everything for them... even things that isn't anything to do with you. :D

I had a really nice time planting the cucumbers, getting my hands really dirty and my hair bun got caught up in the wooden grid... :D After I was finished planting them, I turned on the water and let that run for 30 minutes, as my boss told me. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed the smaller plants I chose will thrive too.
And then I went on binding the support for tomato plants. A coworker came by and stopped for a chatt while I worked. She was out in a smaller flower bed, weeding, and all the rest of our coworkers were out planting potatoes. Hopefully I can take part in that next spring, when my health has improved. The hay fever and asthma isn't fun right now... But, I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so I'll discuss the medication. 

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