Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Some of the latest days in the 'getmessymay' challenge I've done. Two have fold outs, and one has two variations. I got so inspired by the teacher/host for day 8, so I made one inspired by hers, and then I'd already had one I've thought out before, so I made them both. Today was the same, initially, but when I look at the video for today I realised there wouldn't be time for both, so I made the one the host taught.

Doctors appointment today and it went better than hoped. We talked longer than the amount of time we had, but that's usually the case. I can't imagine that the grumpy old man having his appointment after me was that pleased... He sat in the waiting room at the same time as me and another man, complaining about that we both were looking in our phones and being really negative about it. I don't remember his words now, but he wasn't someone I'd wanted to engage in a discussion with... 
I felt rather tired when I left the health clinic after wishing my doc a pleasant summer. He asked me a lot of questions to get to the bottom of something, but we didn't have time to finish. 
So, I blame that tiredness when I was walking in the wrong direction to get to a store, getting a bit confused about were things were situated in town. :D I ended up just going one errand and then getting on the bus home. 

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