Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Carpe Diem

Or to put it another way "Seize the Day".

After chatting on WhatsApp with my best mate, I found out that he was making a swift visit up to Edinburgh to see his family.

Afterwards I then thought wouldn't it be good to get into the train station and catch up with him?

But with time now pushing on, a decision had to be made.... Let's do it!!

I put my bike onto the car and drove to about 3 mile shy of the station to a place where I knew I could leave it in a safe place.

Jumped onto the bike and with time now against me, pedaled "like mad" to meet him before he headed off.

Got there, just in time and I wish I could have captured the look on his face as he heard my "dulcet tones".

Sometimes we make plans and mull over whether we should do something or not and often that's a good thing to do.

Sometimes you just have to "Go for it"

So was it worth the "Crazy Drive" and "Mad Pedal"??..... You bet it was!!

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