Angela demonstrates a cracket
Angela and Ellen from Sunderland came to see Mum today. They are members of the Methodist Church which Mum joined online during lockdown. They are both very cheerful.
Angela is very interested in Family History and Local History. We have two small stools we call crackets. She told us about the style of the real coal miners' crackets. The seat was at an angle so they could lie on them the different heights, depending on the height of the seam they were working. If you turned the cracket you could be positioned higher.
Angela has made several for local children whilst doing a wood working class. She also attended a car maintenance class and taught Family History. Her day job was as a librarian.
Mum was much brighter today, although the bruises are extending. She enjoyed the chat this afternoon.
I made almond biscuits and peanut cookies this morning and they went down well. I sent A and E home with bags of both. They hinted that they might not share them with their other halves!!
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