Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

A Partial rainbow

Off to Keswick for a weeks holiday with Clare, the boys and my mum and Dad - really looking forward to the break and also just spending time down in the lake district as it really is a magical part of the UK.

On approach to Keswick, whilst travelling along the A66, I noticed this very small Rainbow (well almost a little window in the sky) and was desperate to photograph it before it disapeared - managed to get to a layby and shoot it just before it vanished.....I'm sure there is a technical name for it but whatever it may be called it was a fab start to the holiday.

Then just a mile before we arrived at our destination, one of the back tyres blew.......another to replace as i had just changed the front two on the Thursday...Ahh well such is life!!

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