Sprout lover

By robharris35


The Selous Niassa Wildlife Corridor is a critical area of habitat and wildlife connectivity that links the two very large protected areas of Selous in Tanzania and Niassa in Mozambique. The Corridor creates a bridge across communal areas of the landscape which have mixed uses and are threatened by issues such as road-building, mining and conflict between wildlife (mainly elephants) and people.

Driving through the core part of the Corridor is always special as here the landscape is characterised by rocky outcrops with miombo woodland stretching into the distance. There are some viewpoints where you can scramble onto the rocks and absorb the scale of the surroundings. It’s especially verdant at this time of year with the wet season having recently ended.

My sister’s nursery app, updated frequently to notify a parent how much of a slice of toast their child has eaten and at what time, has today reported that my niece can now say and identify a pentagon. This was later verified via a video call. She has also mastered the words semicircle and orange, yet cannot manage hello. We may have a twisted genius on our hands.

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