Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Town was very peopley today…

When I got to town there was crocodile of youngsters who I assume had just arrived on the boat from France because they were all dragging suitcases behind them. They snaked around the corner in a never ending stream. 
I collected my meds then headed along the Arcade. More people all queuing for the barber. Goodness they have more patience than I have! Walked around the corner and the snake had stopped walking and were gathered in an enormous crowd outside the Accent Language School which organises trips for students. It’s just unfortunate that there is scaffolding on both sides of the Arcade there so a squeeze to get through. 
As I came out the other side almost at the High Street guys working on a major shop renovation had a really big pane of glass which had to be negotiated around. 
When I emerged into the High Street it was its normal fairly deserted state for around 9 o’clock on a Saturday morning.
Just about daft enough for Silly Saturday…

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