Bay Tree with Violets

It’s frustrating when you check the opening hours of a shop on their website and then discover when you get there the hours on the door are different and the place is not yet open.  This was the scenario as I limped across the Meadows to my local chemist this morning, but at least I managed this blip as I waited patiently.

I am limping  because I may have pulled a tendon in my recently mended ankle and walking can suddenly produce a verbal ‘ouch’ or sometimes something a little stronger. Perhaps my energetic vertical breast stroke in Porty on Thursday  or the gallop back along the prom was the culprit- I know not, but it is a bit of a bummer to have my walking curtailed yet again.

Luckily it is an another beautiful summer’s day - we seem to get them every second day which is better than nothing- and I am sitting on the patio crocheting and actually feeling warm. Daughter#2 is in Edinburgh this weekend and is coming over shortly to join me for a G&T and maybe diagnose what is wrong with the ankle

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