It’s Nearly All Over

It’s all over bar the shouting for the cherry blossom this year. It’s lasted slightly longer than usual, maybe it just came out later.

Forty six years ago today when I was in the Simpson Maternity hospital having son#2 and we were allowed the luxury of staying in hospital for 6 days, I had a bed in a balcony ward overlooking those very cherry trees which had also lasted that year until the 12th of May. It rarely happens.

I write this sitting on a #35 bus which is shoogling its way up from ocean Terminal back home after my 6th Covid jab. Apart from it being a free ride with my trusty bus pass, it is a nightmare of a journey through the tourist jungle of central Edinburgh andLeith. I am fortified by the knowledge of the TGIF drinks which are  happening at 4pm. Bring them on- it’s been a stressful afternoon.

Oh and a Happy Birthday today to my two boys. They are together today in Elgin to celebrate.their big day.

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