Off to get HV (Day 2926)

An early start because my beautiful wife was catching the ferry south. I got Sigyn out a wander, arriving home just as the rain started, then got some stuff done at home before heading to town to get the shopping done.
Home to offload then through to Stromness to get the horses seen to. It belted down rain the entire time I was there and the dye leaked out of my gloves, staining my hands an interesting shade of dark purple.
Back home to get Sigyn out as the day brightened up a bit, then lunch and a spell sorting the van for work tomorrow.
As the weather improved a bit more I headed back to Stromness to do another hoss check and stick out more hay. While I was footering around in the field I watched the the ferry pass on its way to collect HV from the other side of the Pentland Firth.

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