At last! (Day 2925)

A busy day started with a wander up the hill with Sigyn, then, after checking fluids and tyre pressures on the truck, my beautiful wife headed for Stromness to leave Sigyn with Mum and Dad then on to collect a trailer. Off to Rendall next where we got loaded with 3 large bales of hay. Back to Stromness where we fought the bales off the trailer. At half a tonne each, they aren't the easiest things to move by hand.
Having decided that one round of extreme bale wrangling wasn't enough, we went back for a second round, munching lunch on the way. The bales were unloaded by mid afternoon and HV and I finally got out a ride together. It seems like forever since we rode together, and it must be two weeks since I last rode. It was a really nice ride out, and George looks particularly fabulous with his new haircut.
Back to the field to get the chores done, then back to Mum and Dad's for a well deserved Chinese takeaway.

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