Sunday photo!

Still in the habit of taking a photo of Scout with coo every Sunday.
Can’t quite believe this is the only photo from today.
Went for our Sunday morning swim. It feels like quite a while since I’ve been. It was lovely. The sun was warm and the air smelt delicious. The water temp was 12 degrees. It took me quite a while to get my top half in but it wasn’t too long before I was used to it and didn’t want to get out! We were in for quite a while again.
Today we had Hannah, Linda, Justin, Tine, Tatiana, Sarah D, Leslie n Tilly. We took our time getting changed because we could. Ie the sun was warm. Then sat outside at the cafe. It was so lovely being with everyone.
Cathie and I then returned home. Each to work on our own projects on the computer. Cathie working on a CV and cover letter. Me working on English planning.
Didn’t finish till 7.
Took both dogs for a walk down the high street and back. Then as Cathie finished off I did a couple of house chores and cooked Mac n cheese for dinner. Both of us sat down at 10pm to eat and relax, refusing to do anymore work.

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