Mothers and Children

Dana and family surprised us with an early visit this morning. Will is here from Santa Barbara only for the weekend and Peter has been busy teaching and looking for a place to live in Petaluma where he will be teaching full time in the fall. It was fun to see them on a relaxed day. We sat around trying to figure out what to do for an 'outing', although it being Mothers' Day, there was little to no chance of getting into anyplace where we didn't have a reservation. Eventually Peter took charge and said, 'let's just hang out. We can make a charcuterie platter and sit outside drink beer and play darts.' So that is exactly what we did...

We had totally forgotten to take the dart board inside for the winter, so it is a bit the worse for wear, but the darts were stored inside and the dartboard, though a bit moldy, still worked, so we enjoyed the sun and the game and each others' company. I had a phone call from Matt yesterday and it turns out that Tim and Owen were staying with him in L.A., so I had nice talks with both of them.  Last yearTim promised Owen a trip to Universal Studios to see a Harry Potter exhibit, and now, a year later it was finally coming to pass. A flying visit in more ways than one, they were home in time to celebrate Mothers'Day today.

Liberal doses of sun have made the weekend a very pleasant one, but I see the fog beginning to creep over the hills from the coast. Sunday dinner with Jim and Dana and the boys will be a perfect finale to a lovely day.

Happy Mother's Day to all who are observing it today with special events, and gatherings, although I do think that every day should be mothers' day. 

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