Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Grandson's Graduation Tonight

This evening at six o'clock our grandson, Emerson, will participate as a graduate of the 2009 Senior Class of John F. Kennedy Middle College High School. The high school shares a campus with my school. This is only the third graduating class because it is a very new school and a tremendous pride of the administrators where I teach.

Emerson is our youngest grandchild. So this is a bitter sweet moment. We're so glad he's graduating, but not sure we're ready for him to be so close to the entrance to adulthood. Next school term he will be fulltime at my school, and no he won't take my class because he already has. The JFK students have been encouraged to include college courses into their schedules and some of them even graduate from community college the same month they graduate from high school.

Because we are going out for celebration dinner immediately following the ceremony, I thought I better get my blip posted now. If I get a fabulous photo of Emerson, then later this evening I'll make the switch.

I want to thank Nir for helping me get the Coca-Cola bottle. He blipped his bottle a couple weeks ago and I asked him where he thought I might find one. He found one for me on eBay. I bid and won! I was quite pleased. Thanks Nir!

That's all for now! We're off to graduation.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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