Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Walk and Talk!

Mental Health Awareness Week Day 2.

I don't have a lot of friends, and I'm not afraid to admit that anymore...I have plenty of 'friends' from work but that's sort of different, I mean friends who have been there through it all. I think suffering with mental health can scare some people away. I guess it's a case of not knowing what to say and finding it easier to say nothing, and therefore just sliding out of touch.

However, I have Holly, who has been by my side through the very lowest of the lows. She's a true friend, I don't have to pretend with Holly and that's something to treasure. This evening my walk was with her and this is something we do each week. It's good for us both!

You'll never be truly aware of how you can be somebody's light in the dark, somebody's smile in sadness and somebody's safety in fear.

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