Place: Largo, FL 73/87
Main activity: Tues - around the house
Notes: Slept late - still can't seem to wake at a decent hour and be clear-minded but I do love that I don't have to get up at any certain time. Dreams seem to often be vivid too ... but no strong message or meaning remains. Worked on re-doing Jo's audio files in the morning - to add space before the ending. Topped off the oil and washer fluid in the car, coolant seemed ok. Went to the pool and just lounged in the water a bit and then sat under the umbrella and read. Had the place all to myself until the last few min after the shower and ready to head back. Read some (The Pilot's Wife) then made lunch (2 eggs w/ avocado & nutritional yeast and side salad w/ beets and walnuts). My little green corner seems to be doing well so far. The microgreens (front) are coming up thick and appear healthy and can be harvested when they're 1-2 inches. The pot contains Mesclun lettuce which will take awhile. Any my latest batch of sprouts (salad mix and alfalfa) are nearly ready. One year ago today I just landed back into St Pete at Isla (last night) and was going thru storage before I headed to Texas. Feels a million miles, decades and galaxies away and I'm so thankful all that is in the rearview (probably the understatement of this century!).

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