Place: Largo, FL 72/88
Main activity: Mon - UPS Store, Publix
Notes: Relaxed morning, had coffee and worked on Jo's 4 audio files and adding the background music track - used Audacity this time as I didn't think I needed the video program to export and then converting again to mp3. It was a big of a learning curve tho I think I got it - had to redo several a few times to get the sound consistent. Just before 11a, decided to run to UPS Store for another return. Here is the Pinellas Trail that I neither drove to or biked on yesterday! UPS Store took only a few seconds, stopped at Publix on way back for a few things. Debated briefly and then went to pool for a short time - blazing sun and hardly any breeze. Listened to some Light Language and a meditation and rested until 215p-ish and then had my tuna salad sandwich and plantain chips. Talked to Jo on Zoom for nearly 2 hrs again! Did cool down enough in evening to open windows (first) and thought a direct fan on me would be cool enough to sleep thru the night but woke up and put the AC on - definitely a first and not what I prefer!

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