Hoping for apples

Last year our wee apple tree was reasonably productive for its size. The only problem is that the squirrels stole many of the apples! Here's hoping that there will be a good crop again this year, and that we harvest the fruit before the pesky vermin get their sticky paws onto it.

I worked most of the day, with my efforts mainly focused on writing up my visit to Lambeth Palace on Wednesday last week. The output, with photos, is now on my blog.

The new mattress that I ordered on Sunday arrived this afternoon. Unfortunately it was damaged a little in transit. I am now in correspondence with the company that sold it to us to discover the next steps. I don't fancy the job of parcelling up the mattress to send it back!

My run at lunchtime took an interesting turn when I encountered an elderly Italian couple looking for the southern entrance to Warriston cemetery. The council closed this years ago, so the only way into the cemetery from this end is to follow a 'secret' path through the trees and climb over a wall. I interrupted my run to lead the couple to the spot, doing my best to maintain a conversation in my appalling (spoken*) Italian. I was grateful that a dog walker was coming out of the cemetery when we reached the wall and that he was able to help my new friends clamber over it.

*My reading is absolutely fine, and listening OK, but when I speak I mix up Italian and Spanish vocabulary and verb forms.

Exercise today: 10k run.

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