
By Houseonahill6

The house by the Loch

Radiotherapy treatment day 4 , one to go :)
A sunny start with rain in the distance creating a rainbow over the field.
Left home at just gone 8 and at the hospital in plenty of time. There was a problem with the machine so a half hour delay until the engineers had fixed it. There had been a power outage during the weekend so everything had to be reset. Busy in the waiting room today too.
We set to The Three little bakers for and egg and bacon roll . Went to a garage to get a quote for the cars wheels to be sprayed and the onto Dochgarroch. We passed Farm Ness with their field of tulips , not open today though otherwise I would have gone in and picked a bunch.
Had a walk along the canal, sat and had an icecream from Mieles , Richard was not working there today though.
It was warm in the sunshine. We saw the Jacobite boat trip return and fill up with the next coach load of people.
On the way we saw a female mallard with her nine ducklings , the first I’ve seen this year.
A week at Lochend with threatening skies above. Lots of bluebells and gorse in full bloom.
Back home to catch up on the news from Dalscone. What a day they had with the surprise birth of a Shetland foal. The Twitch camera had gone down during the night so the first time Farmer Pete saw it was when he went up to feed the lambs.Then Lugs, the goat with no ears, gave birth to a girl kid. Totally unexpected as the vet had scanned her a few weeks ago and could not find a heartbeat. Such good news as she lost her lamb last year and became a great Aunt to all the other kids allowing them to jump on her back and cuddle up for a sleep. Lastly Mum Dexter had an easy birth filmed brilliantly by Farmer Ben. To risky to go in to see if it’s a boy or a girl at the moment.

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