Views of my world

By rosamund


This is Freya's "I accept you need to take a picture but would you please hurry it up mother!" face. She always calls me mother when I'm bugging her, it's our thing. She got away fine this morning (hurry up mother, we're supposed to be there already etc) and text earlier to say she was getting on the boat at Hull for the overnight trip to Belgium.

After she had gone I met up with Karen for a coffee at Three Sisters Bake, it was really nice to sit and blether as we haven't had time to do that for ages. I spent the afternoon pottering about, made soup, baked empire biscuits and warped up my knitters loom.

Carlos and I had a nice quiet evening watching TV while I wove/woved/weaved/was weaving???

It's my big day at the SECC tomorrow, starting to get nervous/excited. Must go and prepare.

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