Sorry I haven’t got anything else to offer!
I’ve had a busy busy day.
In order of jobs doing. . .
# 7.30am put washing in machine
# 8.00am had breakfast etc
# put orchid in cool boiled water
# washing completed then put on line
# 10 minute cuppa
# after two phone conversations it was
12.30pm ( when the phone rings you just
have to answer?)
# took time and collected gear from shed to
attack front garden. This I’m afraid took
me until 4.30pm by the time I’d cleared
# made a curry ( in the oven at the moment) as requested!
# put orchids to drain and put further house
Plants in to soak

# got washing in & my meal into the oven
lunch was missed .
# after I’ve published blip then I have to vacuum through??
Phew what a day, feeling very tired, everything takes me twice if not 3 times as long , even to remove a pot from the garden takes such an effort.
It may seem an easy day, but for me o afire you it’s definitely not.
Hope you’ve all had a good day.

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