Astley Hall

Mary asked me last Sunday if I would like to go to a photo exhibition at Astley hall as she knew the photographer. She wasn't sure what the exhibition was about thinking it was about women who have had a mastectomy.  I picked her and Lynne up after dancing. We found the exhibition and it was of 50 women over 50. She had produced a book and each photo was in the book with a photo of the woman when she was young. The writing was an interesting fact about herself and a piece of advice she would give her young self. It was superb and the photographer Alison was lovely. I asked if she gave talks and I have persuaded her to give one to my camera club on her projects and portrait photography. A totally different angle to the usual male view point. She had some great stories.
We had a lovely lunch a massive scone then a wander round the park then a lovely ice cream. It was very hot and I could feel my arms burning although I had put factor 50 on. 
I did a bit of tidying in the garden as everything is growing wild with all the sun. 
A beautiful day out with lovely friends.

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