1st rose

A lovely walk to church over the field but I felt really tired when I got home. My hay fever has been awful with sore eyes and scratchy throat I have taken 3 antihistamines today. I did have an hours sleep in the chair. I find it too hot to sit out in the sun so I stay in the shade. 
BT are changing my phone to digital voice - even though I never use it so sent me a new hub. I thought I'd better set it up today as I had time. It took ages to put the password into all my gadgets that use wifi. The hardest was the house alarm for the app. Thank goodness for you tube to show what to do. It all took over an hour so I'm never doing to again-I hope!!!!
I spotted that a couple of buds had bloomed on the eyes for you rose bush, there is also a bud on the hot chocolate which is early this year. 

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