Life through the lens...

By ValC

Day in the garden.

What a fabulous first day back from holiday.
The warmest day this year I think.
Two loads of washing dried outside.
Lots of gardening done. Mainly emptying the spring bulbs out of the pots and preparing them for the summer bedding plants.
Then a trip to buy more compost. That was easy, but I couldn’t buy any vegetable plants. Tried three local nurseries. All sold out! Just managed some rather weak plants of kidney beans. The sugar snap peas I planted before we went away hadn’t come up, and only 6 runner bean plants have started growing.
However I have now realised where my peas have gone. See extra photo. Although I covered them with netting a very cheeky blackbird had found a way in.
So tomorrow I will buy some more seeds and hopefully it’s not too late to plant them.

Had a lovely visit from granddaughter Jennie this afternoon.
She has had a very stressful few weeks, but has a lot of exciting times to look forward to in the next couple of months.
Always a joy to hear all her news. Never a dull moment with our Jen!

Now a beautiful evening and sounds like we have some more good weather to come.
May be BBQ weather next week!

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