Boundary Dwellers

By Hell4Murph

Thoughts on drainage

This looks small and insignificant.


We were reminded of its significance by the stench that greeted younger lad at 9pm when he went to put my bike in the shed for me.

Called the Water Board as they were once known. Promise of someone within 24 hours. Council contractor came, already called out by neighbour, who had a more serious problem. 2 hours of bustling and puzzling and rodding to little avail except the discovery if a broken drain.

9am - council man back with younger assistant. 2.5 hours later, bingo. Water Board arrived as coffee was being drunk. Professional confab, everything given the all clear, and leaflets on what not to flush, for distribution to neighbours, handed over.

The thoughts - How does this work in bombed or chaotic cities? How is it possible for any modern state to accept open sewers as normal? How is it possible for apparently sensible people here to put nappies down 4" drains?

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