
Today's the day ...................... to miss

After all the excitement of the last couple of days, we had to say goodbye to Louise and Alan this morning, after a leisurely breakfast.

The rest of the day has been spent doing various jobs in the garden.  Everything is growing so fast at the moment that there's always something new appearing.  I find this berberis  totally exquisite in all seasons of the year.  Whether it's now when it's covered in these tiny little strawberry ripple flowers, or when they turn into dark red berries or just the colour of the leaves as a backdrop to other plants.

So work was done - but really it was a bit of a chore today.  We were missing the good company of our friends and thinking back over the happenings of the weekend.  So this one's for you, Alan and Louise.  It was great to spend time with you - and hope it won't be too long before we see you again ............... 

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