Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ........................ for diversions

Not a lot to report today.  I haven't been outside the house - mainly because I didn't have anything planned  but also because the predicted heavy rainfall arrived on cue and made venturing out not an attractive proposition.

I've managed to avoid all day so far, doing the thing that I should be doing, which is to write a promised article on the artist, J D Fergusson, for a local newsletter.  It's amazing how many replacement activities you can think up, that suddenly become very important to carry out?!  But at least I now have a big pot of Mary Berry's Ragu , the bathroom is clean - and I have sorted out the big pile of stuff on my desk.

These goldfinches were another diversionary tactic.  A picture taken from the kitchen window as they delicately decided which seed they were going to eat next.  Of course, they have no need of displacement activity.  This is what they do every day .......................!


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