
As always, very good to see Tom, who came over for the day.

We met him at the bus station and, after lunch at Beattie's (thank you, Tom), a wander around the town, and a quick half at Magic Rock Tap, we walked home the steep way. It was the first time Tom had seen our new abode, so he had the grand tour (as much as it can be 'grand' in a small bungalow) of the house and gardens.

After lingering over an evening meal, we all took the bus in to Huddersfield for a drink at the Head of Steam before Tom caught his train back to Leeds. MrM and I caught the bus back to Holmfirth, and called into the Old Bridge Inn before walking back up the hill.

A good day that passed all too quickly. (So quickly that I took very few photos, not even one of Tom. These dried flowers were on display in one of the shops we looked round.)

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