Spring in Anzeindaz …

… is well on its way. (For TonyG, the Giacomini Refuge is on the left). The first Bears’ Ear Primroses are in extras. By the time I got up to this point I realised that I won’t be travelling too many kilometres carrying my big lens. What a weight, in India it was carried for me! However it did allow me to take some distant shots of foxes, chamois, and many cheeky marmots (extra) who were busy enjoying the sunshine. We haven’t had much sunshine this spring. 

Thanks for your understanding as I am not commenting at the moment. We have a major hedge cutting job on a slope. By the time I have done an hour of that, I can hardly lift my arms! This has to be done in stages, day by day, maybe next year we will pay someone to do it? 

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