The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A Pleasant Pheasant ..

A free morning - which should have been relaxing - but as I was lying in the bath, I was shouted to, that a traffic warden was on the prowl and I had parked on the wrong side of the road (on a bank holiday!!) So I threw dry clothes onto my wet self and moved my van .. then finished my bath and put my wet clothes onto my dry self :S

Then off to the rehearsal for three hours - a very fine tea in the village hall, and then the performance.

The problem with only playing sporadically is that my poor lip goes far too soon .. but I survived, more or less.

After the concert I hit the road straight away and got home just before 2 am - when I fed the foxes and went to bed ..

Here's a pheasant which seemed to have made a nest in the middle of the veg garden opposite the church where we performed!

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