Tumby Bay

We left the funny little half asleep town this morning. It’s one of those places that you don’t miss anything if you miss it. The pub was boarded up and petrol bowser looked like it hadn’t been used for years. There was just the one shop selling milk and bread ( and no take away meals for caravaners). 

Next town was the thriving establishment of Tumby Bay which was lovely. Cafes, pubs, shops, street art, waterfront with jetty. We both felt it was worth returning to someday. We had morning tea and missed the showers which came and went all day. Onwards and southwards to Port Lincoln which is at the bottom of the Eyre Peninsula. We have three nights in the caravan park which is spacious with great views over the bay. It is not that cold but the wind is blowing again so an inside afternoon was on order. The satellite dish blew over in the wind and isn’t working, a modern day dilemma. Someone is a bit cross. 

The caravan park had local tuna for sale so I purchased some for dinner. This is a tuna fishing centre so I thought it would be fresh. 

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