Above and below

Into the office today, to do my two colleagues' appraisals.  Tiring day, but all good positive stuff, and lovely to see several of my lovely colleagues.  I went over to the Barbican at lunchtime and found a couple of them there, and we sat and chatted in the sunshine - and another joined us, too.  It was so warm!

Left work at the same time as my long-time colleague, Paul, and walked as far as Silk Street with him.  I had a little time to kill before my train, so headed up onto the highwalk to get some photos.  I was happy to spot this woman sitting upstairs at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and snapped a few shots with people passing by below.

We failed to exchange on our house again today :(  Found out quite late in the day that the people at the bottom of the chain didn't want to exchange until 1 June as they have their money in a high interest account and would lose interest if they withdrew before the end of the month.  Grrrr!  And yet they still want to complete on 6th June - which makes securing our removals firm pretty tricky.

Very tired by the time I got home.  I cooked dinner for me and Tim though, and then had a relaxing evening with him.

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