Tractor Thursday..

One of those days again. My plans for the day went pear shaped by 7.30 am when Kev texted to say he won't be here today. So had to leave bringing in cows and calves to tag as not enough folk
So headed off to spread the calcifert lime on the 20 acres of spring barley next to the sand quarry. This is to try and make the soil ph less acidic. It is very stoory stuff ,think a lot of it floated over the fence but luckily still on my farm somewhere !
A trip with wee brother to Peeblesshire to buy some AA x Saler bulling heifers,then back home and got him to help get this morning's cows in so I could tag the calf I was after.
Nipped away to Dunbar tonight to Rickerby's open day.
Lots of shiny new tractors and kit on display,none of which I could afford. Did manage a couple of Hogg roast rolls though,so that was my tea sorted !

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