
By fennerpearson


Arriving back home at my folks' after a long, busy day, I was just sat in the car packing away my iPod and 'phone, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw something coming down a side road.

It's funny how quickly your brain works sometimes, isn't it? In the time it took me too look up I'd already registered that it wasn't a car, that it wasn't a person running and that it was too big to be a dog.

It was a deer.

I watched it trot along the middle of the road - it was reminiscent of the opening credits of Northern Exposure - and then turn into Avondale Avenue. I followed with my camera, trying to get close without scaring it. People started to come out of their houses, bemused and, I think, thrilled by this beautiful animal trotting up and down their road.

This was the best shot I could get from a distance. I hope it wasn't too distressed and also that it found it's way home to the woods behind the Hogs Mill.

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