sweet one

(you all - Zev is fine.  and yes everyone is so correct, the causes of these kinds of situations are multiple, complicated and honestly feel pretty over the top challenging.  but awareness of the issues, and of course personal safety, these rise to the top.  thanks for your care and caring----)

(extra - stopped at the end of the lake The Center for Wooden Boats, for I hope the boat Tom made me will be accepted as a donation - he would be so pleased.  i simply cannot handle its weight and upkeep and it is time, somewhat hard yes, but i have been thinking about it a long time.  sitting in the sun is doing her no good.  Her name is Sweetie, for my 60th birthday - a gift of love.  if she goes i will show her in an old photo when we were bring her home.  oh my - the changes of time)

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