Exit stage left

By NessD


Lesson of the day: know thy limitations.

I used to be pretty good at action shots. Most of my decent shots with my SLR in the 90s were sports photos. I'm not sure if it's me that's out of practice or maybe it was using a phone camera in bright sunshine. I'd guess at human error. Either way all the photos I took of my friends' rather photogenic children were, quite frankly, pants. I hadn't asked their parents' permission to blip them either so instead you have a stained glass window from the Great Hall. I shall save the Round Table for another day. Actually, the Great Hall has the potential to rescue me from many a blip desert if (a) it's open and (b) I am able/ can be bothered to walk that far.

A manic morning followed by a lovely lunch with said friends. Lesson 2: do not take a 3 year old on at hide and seek. I don't fit into quite as many tight spaces! I also might need to brush up on my tour guiding skills. Arthur/Alfred - much of a muchness aren't they?! And with young children maybe we should just have tempted them with a brief taster. Oops. Live and learn. Most impressed with how much C knew about that period of history though. He's in charge next time. And I did love the Tudor house: fake or real game. It's Winchester: real.

And collapse on sofa....


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