Exit stage left

By NessD

The before shot

Who am I trying to kid?

Yet another, what I could see at 8pm emergency blip. This is the view at 90 degrees from the pen pot from a few days ago. Or at least it is after the ironing board, washing and recycling have been dealt with and the filing is up-to-date. Sadly I haven't attacked the contents much and as we have visitors tomorrow I'm going to have to revert to my usual just make it look presentable but I haven't spent all the day before tidying mode. Oh help, they read this!

To be fair, the whole day hasn't been spent in here. Between us quite a lot has been achieved, a car load taken to recycling and several bags packed for Oxfam. Unfortunately, the house is now at that awkward looks worse that when it started stage. Oh well, heads down until I can get my Australia fix on TV later.


Will back blip yesterday soon.

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