Life through the lens...

By ValC

Camassia Alba

This white variety does much better than the blue one in our garden. May be it’s the position as it doesn’t get as much sun. Also flowers later.
It always reminds me of Mum as the plant was given to me many years ago by her next door neighbour after I admired the one she had in her garden.

Another beautiful day.
The local scouts had a plant stall at Birstall market with an excellent variety of very good plants.I bought a pack of Cobra Climbing Beans. £1.30 for a pack of 6. As the raised bed is now full I am going to plant them in a large pot. The variety is the same as Tom used to grow. Nice reminder of our dear old friend.

MrC has made me a cuppa before I will be out again doing some more gardening.
I have just taken a summer fruit cake out of the oven but unfortunately not yet cool enough to have a slice. Never mind we will enjoy it later. So will make do with a dark chocolate digestive biscuit.

Hope you all have a great Bank Holiday weekend . At least the weather is set to be fine!

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I have found out that the name of those giant flowers we saw in Cornwall are called
Furcraea longaeva.
They only flower once in a lifetime.
Related toThe Agaves family.
They can grow as much as 30feet in 3 months.
It seems they have to go through a period of stress to induce them to produce a flower.
This may not be for 7 years or more.
The reason for them all flowering this year is because of the cold snap they had in Cornwall this winter.

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