Day off (Day 2937)

Up at stupid o'clock this morning to bid farewell to my beautiful wife as she headed away to catch the ferry south. I got out a wander with Sigyn, then after breakfast, made my way to Stromness to do the morning hoss duties.
Back home to change, then in to town for an appointment with the physioterrorist about my knee. I have been struggling a bit since my last appointment and it seems like I have taken a backward step with the recovery. The physio has referred me to an orthopaedic consultant with a view to a surgical repair, but the waiting list is six months. Hopefully it will get better before I have to go under the knife.
Home for a coffee then out with Sigyn again. After lunch I headed for Stromness again and had a grand ride out on George. I also got out a short ride on Red (extra). I would have ridden Jeeps too, but he wasn't keen on being caught so I got the field harrowed instead.
Apart from HV going away, it has been a good day.

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