
By PorridgeWog

A view, at last (Day 3303)

After taking Sigyn for her morning wander and waving off my beautiful wife as she zoomed off to catch the boat south, I headed to the horses.
The mist that has blighted us for days has disappeared and I wasted no time in getting out on George. We headed through Stromness and along the shore again, and George had his picture taken by loads of tourists. He showed his appreciation by waving both his front feet at them. So nice to actually get a view as we headed along the shore.
Back at Mum's, I got Sigyn out another wander, and after cutting the grass, headed back to the horses.
I had decided that if I could wander up to red and catch him without any difficulty, I would take him out for a ride. He made it easy by walking up to me and waiting for me to put his head collar on.
Another nice ride, though the mist was rolling in again and the view was obscured.
Eight miles ridden today.

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