Is the driver good?
Having slept poorly on Thursday night/Friday morning, I had a very early night last night. I was asleep before W came up.
This morning I got on the exercise bike for the first time this week. Then we took a trip to Enniscorthy, where we dropped a box of assorted stuff at the charity shop, before proceeding to pick up exterior paint for the house - now it's clean the painters should be with us in the next couple of weeks.
Wonderful, enthusiastic and helpful assistant in the DIY shop. He remembered us from our previous visit several weeks ago, and knew what colours we had chosen - which was more than we did! He was very concerned that we would spill the paint en route home - took some persuasion (is the driver good? No sharp braking) to agree to pile it two buckets deep. He point blank refused to allow us to put the last 4 buckets onto the back seat of the car. We'll have to return in a couple of days.
We then did a food shop at Aldi, where I took this photo.
An afternoon spent on some computer admin.
And I'm shattered again - soon off to bed.
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