
By Wildwood

After the Rain...

...the view from the window of the serried ranks of vines on the hill across the road.

I wasn't exactly full of energy first thing this morning, and it was still raining, but I exerted enough willpower to go to the post office and the grocery store, both of which tend to get crowded later in the day. It was worth the effort as they opened the door to the post office as I walked in, and the market, usually teeming with people--teenagers from the local high school, seniors from a nearby retirement home, carts and clerks restocking shelves--was practically empty. It was well worth the effort to get there early as I could see what was available, take my time, ponder my choices, and was still home in a little over an hour. Next time maybe I'll even remember a list!

By the time I had finished all that activity, the sun was coming out and I could take a leisurely walk with OilMan and Dana and the dogs. Looking over my pictures and the titles I gave them, was a little like something out of Dr. Seuss--Goats in Coats, Birds in a Hole, Horses in Masks....The grass was sparkling with droplets, the sky was full of puffy white clouds and the oak trees looked newly washed and green. The birds in a hole were woodpeckers lined up vertically on a telephone pole seemingly sunning themselves, but then the heads of more woodpeckers came popping out of knotholes in the pole. It hardly seemed like there was room in there, but they must be nesting. The horses in masks grazed peacefully in a field their eyes completely covered. Next to them were the goats in coats resting in a little cage. I don't know why they aren't out in the field grazing, but I suppose there is a reason. If somebody bothers to put coats on them, they can't be neglected.

Back home it seemed like the day was practically over. A cup of coffee was called for, which we had on the porch, watching the birds . A beautiful bird, perhaps a bunting, sat on the feeder for so long that I finally went for my camera, but then, of course, she flew away. She returned frequently, but never stayed long enough for me to get a good picture of her. Rudy dug furiously for moles, (or voles). It would be ever so useful if he would actually catch one, as they are wreaking havoc with a lot of the new plants. Probably the irrigation problems aren't helping either, but OilMan is on the case....

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