Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Here's my first attempt at using earthdreamery's marvelous Silver Efex Pro, not as black & white to learn as I thought it might be and I've certainly a lot of practise to put in before I can come anywhere close to the master, perhaps the subject rather lets things down (those earthdreamery trees are a joy to behold) but we all need to start somewhere.
As a matter of fact the whole Nik software collection has come down in price and is well worth the investment if you're looking to add that little something to your photos, those that follow have probably noticed that I have a tendency to over edit at times but when you're paying good money out! (truth is I haven't spent a penny as with a bit of patience trawling the internet I've managed to get both this & Topaz software for free, I'd tell you how but then I'd probably have to kill you).

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