Euphorbia amygdaloides
Wood spurge. The milky sap of the spurge is toxic & can cause irritation on contact with skin, so best to wear gloves if you are handling any of the spruge varieties, which I have to say I'm rather fond of, although they can be a bit invasive.
I slept well considering my back was giving me some gip last evening. Hubby had a breathing problem during the night, he started a new form of medication this morning so hopefully this will be benificial. I wandered about gingerly this morning but decided being on the move was more comfortable than sitting so, against hubby's wishes ("I'll walk the dog you don't need to") he WAS still in bed when I left the house for Mum's. Mum had rung me earlier to see how I was feeling, so I told her not to worry I would be down. A load of washing done & on the line, I popped to the shop for the paper & mini Magnums for Mum, then down to CK. The sun was warm and once I'd got going I was comfortable walking. I stopped to do some stretches a couple of times but was feeling much better when I returned. The cattle have been on the heath 3 days now, & I've yet to find them, mind I have a good idea where they will be. The heath is'nt huge but there is a shady area that I know they hang out in.. I headed in the opposite direction and spotted the spurge growing on the verge heading up Acorn Field lane.
Mum's brother rang just as I got back so I left them nattering. Brian lives in Cornwall, not far across the border but I don't think they've seen each other since Dad died, that was 11 years ago. Are'nt families odd?
I sat in the sun on my return home, the garden is looking lovely, although I think the sparrows are snapping the flower stems on some of my perennials in their search for aphids. Rascals!!
There are Oriental aromas wafting upstairs, the duck is getting an Asian makeover for tonights dinner which I must go and attend to.
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