Tracking Device
We had a lovely evening with our friends last night; an excellent meal and good company. Whilst we weren't very late back we were still a lot later getting to bed than normal. We're both 'larks' rather than 'owls' so I was awake at 6am as usual and W wasn't far behind me, and we've felt a bit tired today. She wasn't bothered to go out but by mid afternoon I thought I would get some fresh air so drove to Cley and walked from the village car park out to the beach and back.
Quite a few people around, but not many birds. The winter visitors have all gone home so there were only the 'usual suspects'; Wood Pigeons, Starlings, Redshanks, and a Marsh Harrier. My app also picked up a 'Lesser Yellowlegs', which I'd not heard of before. I looked it up and it's a native of North America but an occasional visitor to the UK so it might have been around, but I suspect it was really just a Redshank with a bad cold.
This tractor is on the beach. I've tagged it for 'Derelict Sunday' but despite appearances it's not derelict, but still in use to haul fishing boats in and out of the water. I like the way someone has put a cover over part of it; I suspect it's to protect the engine rather than the paintwork.
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